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Meeting's are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

May 19th, 2024  @ 2:00 pm

- Exploring the Power of Trust -

Zoom Meeting with Dominique Hewat

Dominique’s pursuit of "a better way" led her to train and certify as a Trust Technique Practitioner. This gives a practical approach founded on the belief that every living being, when given the skills and opportunities, can actively shape their own learning. As a professional Occupational Therapist, Dominique shares how to see beyond the what can be seen and heard to uncover otherwise hidden layers that enrich interactions with the world.

Embracing the Essence of Trust:
Dominique’s expertise focuses on nurturing real connections that go beyond the ordinary. Through the Trust Technique, she creates a unique space of trust and understanding, inviting all living beings to partake in a conversation that goes beyond words. Picture unlocking a realm where animals and humans alike can broaden their understanding, make empowered choices, and contribute positively to our magnificent planet.

Enriching Lives One Step at a Time:
In this session, Dominique unveils the core principles and practical benefits of the Trust Technique. Through relatable case studies and real-life examples, she demonstrates the incredible potential that unfolds when we embrace this approach. She has guided people from all walks of life to work with their animals. All have reported deeper connections, a heightened sense of peace, and the joy of a straight forward process that they can apply to take the next step in purposeful action.




Blue Mountains Dowsers

- To be announced -






The opinions expressed by the various authors contained within this website are their own and not necessarily of the Committee and Members of the Dowsers Society of NSW. No responsibility will be accepted for anyone acting or failing to act upon any information offered. Please contact the respective authors for all enquiries and not the society.