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Meeting's are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

March 17th, 2024  @ 2:00 pm

- To be announced -






Blue Mountains Dowsers

Sunday 3 March 2024

- Francois Capmeil -

Adventures in Dowsing

Twenty years ago Francois discovered dowsing. Not finding support in Australia at the time, he reached out to the American Society of Dowsers in Vermont, to attend his first Dowsing convention in Lyntonville in 2003.

Subsequently he travelled the world extensively to attend dowsing conventions and conferences, especially in the US and Canada. In the process he met some of the world's best dowsers like Hamish Miller, Walt Wood, Slim Spurling, Michael Poinder, and others who are no longer with us.

He also developed an interest for ley lines which he visited in the UK, France and Peru, with the help of maps given to him by Hamish Miller and others.

Fascination with pyramids let him to discover and learn Biogeometry with Dr Robert Gilbert and Dr Ibrahim Karim, with whom he attended many of the Biogeometry week-long courses in the US and Canada.

Biogeometry opened for him a wonderful array of tools and skills which he will be happy to share.
You will be able to see demonstrations of some of the biogeometry pendulums, tools, as well as Dr Karim's Biosignatures.

Francois has many stories to share, supported by a beautiful photo presentation.

Time: 2pm on Sunday 3 March 2024

New Location: in the MMCC - not in the Hall but the adjacent Grace Tooth Dining Room.







The opinions expressed by the various authors contained within this website are their own and not necessarily of the Committee and Members of the Dowsers Society of NSW. No responsibility will be accepted for anyone acting or failing to act upon any information offered. Please contact the respective authors for all enquiries and not the society.