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Meeting's are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month.

June 18th, 2023  @ 2:00 pm

- Flower Essences for Emotional & Mental Support -

- Lis Conlon -

Lis Conlon is an accredited Herbal Medicine Practitioner. She is a fellow of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. She is an experienced, passionate, and versatile educator and has taught naturopathic subjects to thousands of students in prominent colleges for the past 23 years.

She authored the textbook “Iridology: a Beginner’s Guide” and runs supportive mentoring programs for postgraduate practitioners. She also presents community-based workshops for the general public.
Lis was one of the first Australians to qualify as a Certified Plant Spirit Practitioner.

Lis connects with the consciousness and sentient nature of plants through deep and reciprocal relationship. This work resonates with her Celtic spiritual heritage and she finds great joy in teaching others how to develop these relationships with plant beings. It is through this co-creative process that Lis discovers and develops plant essences and vibrational medicines.

In this one-hour presentation Lis will provide an overview of Flower Essences and how they work to assist with balancing emotional states. Remedies for common scenarios will be explained. Information will be provided for attendees to access and use the remedies in their daily lives.





The opinions expressed by the various authors contained within this website are their own and not necessarily of the Committee and Members of the Dowsers Society of NSW. No responsibility will be accepted for anyone acting or failing to act upon any information offered. Please contact the respective authors for all enquiries and not the society.